Start campaigns
Overview of campaign activation, targeting and performance monitoring.
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Overview of campaign activation, targeting and performance monitoring.
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We recommend starting with your best-selling products and gradually expanding to your entire catalog. Amazon suggests promoting products with at least 15 reviews, a 3.5+ star rating, and 4+ professional photos.
Set the target ACoS to your desired long-term ACoS. We recommend keeping it within 5%-30% and slightly below your current ACoS so that the campaigns remain profitable and active for an extended period.
You can change it anytime, and it will immediately change bids in your campaigns.
If you increase the target ACoS, your bids per click will rise. Campaigns will spend their daily budget more quickly, causing your product to appear higher in sponsored search results and attracting more clicks. However, since the cost per click (CPC) will increase, the final ACoS will also rise, reducing the product's profitability. Therefore, it's important to understand the risks and have a well-planned daily budget when increasing the target ACoS.
If you lower the target ACoS, your cost per click will decrease, causing campaigns to spend their budget more slowly and resulting in your product appearing lower in search results. If you reduce it too much, your product may not appear.
To start, set a budget similar to what you’re already used to spending. The group-level budget will be allocated across the ad formats you activate (Sponsored Products, Display, Brand, and Video).
Advigator doesn’t aim to spend your entire daily budget, so it may not be fully used by the end of the day. This is because your chosen Target ACoS constrains the budget. For example, if you set a very high daily budget, such as $10,000, but a low Target ACoS, like 5%, the bids per click will be very low, making it likely that the actual daily spend will also be low. Therefore, your daily spending will largely depend on the Target ACoS you choose.
You can monitor budget usage by going to Analytics > budget usage and increasing it if it is frequently out of budget.
Can I use Advigator to manage my existing campaigns? No, we use data from your historical campaigns to create new ones and optimize them over time. We do not change your existing campaigns. This approach is cleaner and reversible, similar to changing your existing campaigns but without permanent changes.
Should I pause my existing campaigns? We recommend pausing overlapping campaigns or reducing the budget to allow Advigator's campaigns to receive traffic.
I have a catalog with hundreds of parent ASINs; how can I activate them faster? - Watch the video about bulk operations. - If you have more than 300 parent ASINs and more than 20-30 browse nodes, grouping campaigns by browse node instead of parent ASIN may make sense. To do this, go to Advigator > Settings > Grouping Method > Browse Node. Instead, with fewer browse nodes (< 10), grouping at the parent ASIN level is recommended.
Which types of accounts do you support? Seller, Vendor, and KDP for all marketplaces of the world.