Launch a new product

In this guide, we will look at the best practices to follow if you are launching a new product.

Import from Amazon

After you have completed the product listing and the inventory is available for purchase, then proceed with the import: Advigator > Settings > Import product > Sync Catalogue


Advigator finds top keywords for new products using category-related and Amazon-suggested keywords. This happens after you've set up the product and campaign on Amazon Ads. Initially, targeting might be empty.

To add more keywords, go to Targeting > Custom Targeting.

Choose a few highly relevant keywords. Since each keyword will be added as al match types (exact, phrase, broad), a few well-chosen keywords are enough.

Avoid adding too many keywords just to increase visibility. This can backfire, reducing your ad's effectiveness because it worsen the CTR%.

Target ACoS

Set your Target ACoS to the goal you want to reach in the long run, just like you would for any product.

A common mistake is to think you need to start with a high ACoS (50-80%) to bring in more traffic. It's often better to start with your real long-term goal.

Advigator uses your orders and clicks to figure out how much to bid for each click. If you get more orders than expected early on with a low ACoS, your bid might go up, and you could spend too much later.

So, begin with your long-term ACoS target and increase it slowly only if you're not getting enough views.


We suggest pausing your ad campaigns while you're running giveaway promotions. Fake orders from the giveaway could mess up your conversion rate and lead to higher bids per click.

Amazon Readiness

Amazon gives your product page a quality score if it meets at least these conditions. If not, your product will get less visibility and you'll need to increase your bids per click. So, we recommend working on these conditions first:

  • At least 4 professional photos

  • At least 15 reviews

  • At least a 3.5-star rating

Last updated